This is my new DIY obsession. If anyone looked at the photos of the clothes I lusted you might have seen this jacket from Free People.
Months ago when I went to Free People it was on the racks and after talking to a sales associate about it, it went off the racks very quickly. As y’all know I am obsessed with ombre, it’s one of my favourite trends of 2012, and hopefully it will go into 2013 as well. Regardless, I tried on a returned jacket like the one at Free People and though it was my size and $50 I couldn't bring myself to buy it. It fit well but light jean doesn't really suit my tan skin, but a question also lingered in the back of my mind. Why buy something that is so cute, that I could make the same way? A lot of my followers know I have an obsession with DIY and thus I posted a new DIY Friday! This is a way cheaper way to get this jacket, and you get the street credz! I scoured google and found an awesome post from ThisFashionIsMine. I also linked it so y’all can click to see the post. It’s a super simple project, and I’m pretty positive you can buy this dye from Walmart. I’m going to go scour the racks of Salvation Army tomorrow and hopefully make this dream a reality.! Hopefully I’ll be able to post something in the upcoming week if I can find a jacket!
Awesome information.
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