Summer brings out my brighter side, more or less. I had a strong desire to use my dying skills and create a colorful dyed vest.
Vests are easy to throw on over tanks, dresses, and even with skirts/shorts. I wanted something to spice up my summer clothes so I decided to make a vest myself. I've always watched my mother dye her own clothes for as long as I can remember so dying clothing comes pretty easy to me. Though I didn't think about taking pictures step by step, I'll explain the process to y'all.
1. Cut the sleeves off a jean jacket (mine is from a thrift store, it's Bill Blass?) and leave some fabric on the sides so it can fray nicely. (I didn't)
2. Bleach the denim so it is almost white. I couldn't quite get my vest to white so I suggest finding light denim so it's easier. I essentially poured 3 cups of bleach into a bucket, while still adding water in the mixture. Then I swished the jean vest around for about 15 minutes.
3. When the denim is white or a light light blue you are ready to dye the vest, and wash out the remaining bleach from the fabric.
4. Get 1 & 1/4 liters of steaming water, add it into a bucket, and then add whatever packet of dye you use. (I used Rite Dye in fuschia and then purple)
5. Flip the vest upside down and put into the first dye, so the side with the collar is submerged down to about the first button. If you want an ombre effect you just need to do an up and down motion with the vest for about 5 minutes. Leave in the water for about 15 minutes for the dye to be really bright.
6. After you have achieved your desired colour let the vest sit out for 25 minutes to fully dry. Hang it upside down so it drips downward.
7. Then repeat the dye process, but submerge the vest to meet up with the original colour. I submerged from the pockets down for about 15 minutes. There were some spots that weren't quite covered still so I just filled up an old spray bottle with purple dye and sprayed it like crazy.
8. Let the vest airdry in the sun for a few hours, and voila! You have your own dip dye vest!
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