At the beginning of the year I decided to participate in a project pan. If you're unfamiliar with the concept a project pan is basically where you take a bunch of your beauty products and try to hit the literal pan of the product or use them up completely. I have been really trying to minimize my makeup collection and project pan felt like a step in the right direction.

February 2021
I made a few dents. I finished the left highlighter on the Urban Decay Naked Cherry Highlight & Blush Palette. I hit pan on Beyond in the Aphrodisiac palette which I'm oddly sad about. Halfway through the month I remembered to start using the YSL Touche Éclat Blur Perfector which I've actually really liked using lately. I've loved setting my under eye region and forehead area with Peaches & Cream from the ABH Contour kit. I bombed in the lipstick department. I think I put on Lovecraft maybe once in February?
March 2021
Another month! Am I the only one who gets depressed when they hit the pan on shades you really like even in a project pan? No? Just me? I made a bigger dent on Beyond in the Aphrodisiac palette which is both exciting and scary because I love that color. Luckily I have a similar color in a Too Faced Palette. I've struggled to use the shimmers in the Aphrodisiac palette but I just need to devote some time to watch YT tutorials. On the other hand I've used more Hair Balm this month. I wore Lovecraft once! Also, I made a dent on 10k in my ABH Contour kit. I've been using my Tarte blush more. Almost done with the Vitamin-C Caviar balm.
April 2021
April was a wash. I went to NY and forgot to take pics.
May 2021
A lot of my friends are Tauruses so a most of this month was spent celebrating and getting into the groove at work. Oh and my best friend Abbey got married!
June 2021
June went by in the blink of an eye. I was really in a finding myself phase that ended with something beautiful happening at the end of the month. Since the mask mandate had been lifted I was wearing more blush and fun shades of lipstick again. Oh the days.
July 2021
I haven't been super great at using project pan products. However I hit the pan on one of the shades in my ABH contour kit. No pics to share but hit the pan on the highlight shade 10k when I was on a trip in Bentonville. I do remember using my YSL Touche Éclat Blur Perfector on the trip too. So that counts, huh?
August 2021
I had an actual excuse this month! I was busy moving and packing. So for most of August I didn't really wear makeup. Now I'm kinda in a weird groove where I figure out how I store all my makeup/keep it in eye's view without seeing any of it (Real minimalist vibes these days). Anyone got advice? Getting closer to hitting the pan on the first contour shade nutmeg in my ABH contour kit which is huge. I did whip out the Aphrodisiac palette towards the end of the month! Also, I don't know how this fits into product pan but I gave a product to a friend? The Hair Balm was better suited for them.

September 2021
I can't seem to find my Lovecraft lipstick? I feel like when you move there's just a bunch of stuff that the universe puts in a black hole. Truthfully I really didn't use many project pan products this month. Only because they haven't been in my line of sight. Man having stuff out really makes a difference. I used the Vitamin-C Caviar Balm a couple times. This is one of the things I really want to see go! Wore Underage Red once. Yo, project pan is hard.
October 2021
I did better this month! No pictures, lol. I was caught up in NYC, ok! I know the eternal excuse, but I used my Urban Decay blush more. I put some of it on my aunt too when we'd get ready in the morning! Also, I used a bit of the Aphrodisiac palette eyeshadows that I don't typically use. I made an effort to wear Underage Red...once.
November 2021
Would you be surprised if another month passed and I didn't take project pan pictures? No? Well much to your surprise I didn't take much stock of my project pan products. I used the Vitamin-C Caviar Balm a couple times and wore some of the Urban Decay blush. In other news I have been killing the empties game!
December 2021
Alas, project pan has come to an end. I gave away one product and can't find two of the initial lipsticks I had wanted to pan through (Lost in the moving mania along with my jewelry, RIP). I've come a bit of a ways since I started this project. Wore more blush. Tried to get through some products I rarely used, bought virtually no makeup this year besides a tube of mascara, and if anything I'm proud of that. Also sometimes I wish I shared my 10 lb box of beauty empties for Terracyle that lay underneath my bed (Another topic for another day).
Will I do a project pan this year? Probably not, but I will continue to try to wear blush, pull products out that I rarely use, and find ways to create new looks out of old makeup. Well, that's all folks. Wherever you are I hope you have been staying warm, and able to find moments of light + comfort this week.
It's great you hit pan on so many things even if you didn't hit your goal of everything, you did really well :)
ReplyDeleteHope that the first week of 2022 is going well for you :)
Away From The Blue
That sucks about your jewelry and lip sticks! You did hit pan on quite a few things!
Curated by Jennifer